Shiv Kumar Batalvi moved to Chandigarh with many hopes and expectations of a better life, but four years of his life in this city gave him a lot of disappointments. While his stay in Chandigarh, Shiv was at peak of his success, he had fame, recognition and respect of the literary audiences, which every artist aims to achieve. Shiv was least interested in his job at the State Bank of India. There he was given the charge of books lying around the bank, for which Shiv simply kept a register on which one can make an entry and take a book of his wish available there. Later he was shifter to the work of Public Relations, but his attitude towards the work remained same.
Shiv Kumar used to live in a house at Sector 21 of Chandigarh. It is said that he spent most of his Chandigarh days at the watch shop of Preetam Kanwal Singh, which was close to the liquor shops of Sector 22. It was a small booth type shop, where Shiv used to come in the morning and stay there till evening, sometimes he used to lie behind the counter to take rest. When the day sky started getting dark, Shiv could be found in the Writers’ Corner of Sector 22. There is also a great story associate with Shiv and the birth of Writers’ Corner. On the day when Shiv moved to Chandigarh, he and his fellow poets decided to meet, and as usual they decided to have a poetic evening. Bhushan Dhyanpuri, Mohan Bhandari, Bhagwant Singh and a few other fellow poets met at a square in Sector 22, celebrating the meet they decided to name the place as Writers’ Corner. They immediately sent a young boy around there to get a sign board with ‘ Writers’ Corner ’ written on it. They hanged the board there, Shiv with fellow poets inaugurated the place, which today is also known as Battian Wala Chowk (The Square of Traffic Lights) of Sector 22-23. The places around Sector 22-23 were known as the hub of literary events, and about 25 authors used to stay near this place in Chandigarh.
The continuous harsh criticism of his work from a specific set of persons impacted his mental health a lot. During the last couple of years in his life at Chandigarh, it was reported that Shiv had a few epilepsy and panic attacks. Before these incidents, Shiv was known for his intelligence, melodious voice, painful poetry, and his quick-witted attitude. He was the guy whose presence completed the events and literary gatherings. Now his mental and physical health issues were quite public and can be seen in his social life and events he attended. During these days Shiv turned to an actual alcoholic, he started talking more about philosophy and death, became more open minded, and presented his sorrows and disappointments to his people.
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